"Hello everyone!! I hope you are all doing good!!! My week has been alright! haha It has been super hot and I've spent many hours out in the heat inviting people! Its been a bit rough lately in finding new people to teach! Needless to say we have managed to find these two new people who are great!! I'm hoping they will progress well. This week i found a scripture that i really loved!! Its 2 Corinthians 8-9. It just says that we may have troubles and surrounded by darkness but we are not defeated. I love that! Sometimes we may feel we have to much for us to handle, but we can. We may be tired and weary but never give up!! No matter what it is!!:) We can overcome all things! All opposition!! The reason why we can overcome all is because the The Son Of God as already overcome all things. So never give up! Remember Hollands' last conference talk, "keep loving, keep trying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever." I love you all!!:) Be safe and have a good week!!:)
Love, Keyen"