Monday, July 18, 2016

The Lord is Watching Over Us

Probably one of my favorite updates from Keyen :)

"Hey everyone!!:) I hope you are all doing well!:) Im doing pretty good:) So my week has gone by really fast!! But It was a good week. So I didn't get transferred which was way nice! I also stayed with my same Companion! So thats also way good!! PJ really hooked it up this transfer! haha. I had another week with a couple of opportunities to give blessings:) I went to visit this Family and the husband and wife both asked me to bless them. They were both stressed and they have to be apart a lot cause of the husbands work so that was good. Then I went to teach this poor investigator who is really having a hard time. He has panic attacks all the time and is so worried and scared of everything. He had to go the Hospital a lot to get help and he was just in bad shape. He really wants to get baptized but cant because he cant quit smoking. So we taught him about the priesthood. After teaching he asked me to give him a blessing. It was a very powerful blessing. I used words in Thai that Ive never used before. Only words Ive seen or heard. The spirit was defiantly there. After the blessing Bro. Teb ( the investigator) Said "we just went to heaven didn't we?" So way cool experience. I really hope he will have enough Faith to allow the blessing come to him:) I did a lot of Inviting this week trying to get some new investigators! They didn't come from the inviting hahaha but they did come!:) So thats way good! I would like to share a quick little spiritual thought with you all today! In life we will all face opposition. Sometimes is is not to big but other times it may seem to much to bear. Whatever it is, the savior can lift us up. He will life our burdens. He may not entirely remove the problem but he will strengthen us so we can endure and overcome. The lord is always watching over us. He knows us and loves us. He wants us to learn and grow and be happy. Since being a missionary I have needed to rely on the Lord more than ever. I could not have made it this far without his divine help and guidance. I know that the lord loves us all. And is anxiously waiting to help us and poor out blessing upon us. All we need to do is simply, ASK. I love and miss you all!! I hope you all have a good week:) Be safe!!

                                                Love, Keyen"